Friday, October 7, 2016

A new Capitular Year!

Companions, Brethren, members of the public all, it is with a tremendous sense of anticipation that I look forward to this coming year as your resident Cambridge Chapter blogger. I've not been very active because there has been so much work going into the Chapter this year!

But now, I'm officially the Scribe elect, and I suppose I should start Scribing!

The Cambridge Chapter is not a new institution, but the fascinating thing about Freemasonry is that, full of tradition as it is, we always seek to promote good men into leadership positions and then have them step aside for the next... it's a constantly fluid machine which renews itself with fresh perspective and energy. Thus, a century-and-a-half old institution can be just as relevant and dynamic as the day that it was formed, and that's definitely how I feel about our Chapter.


Our semi-public installation will begin at 6:30, this coming Thursday. The new Capitular year of initiations will begin next month, so if you are a Master Mason with an interest in Chapter, please contact us ASAP at 1950 Massachusetts Ave or via email to:

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