Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Installation of officers for 2018

The Capitular year for 2018 begins in September, and we will be installing our officers in style, with a ceremonial installation, cocktail reception and gourmet dinner featuring Fireside Catering! The event is on the usual meeting night, September 14, 2017.

The evening will also honor one of our most distinguished Past High Priests, Lafayette G. Blair, who died in 1912. A speech will be given during the cocktail reception which will briefly touch on the history of the chapter and the real-life "wild west" exploits of extraordinary man.

Here is a brief excerpt from that speech:
Lafayette G. Blair, a Past Worshipful Master of Mount Olivet Lodge, ... a Past Excellent High Priest of Cambridge Chapter; a Past Eminent Commander and charter officer of Cambridge Commandery ... gave a speech to the Massachusetts Reformatory for boys:
“When I was a boy ... I left my home and went away to the wild, and what was then little known, West. I was with wild men who had come from all parts of the country. Some of them cared little for the rights of their associates, men who would shoot [another] at the drop of the hat, and drop the hat themselves ...”
Please join us for the full account of this unusual and storied Mason.

Please contact the Secretary or Scribe if you wish to attend!